#!/usr/bin/env python # ############################################################################ # # MODULE: r_in_aster.py # AUTHOR(S): Markus Neteler 11/2003 neteler AT itc it # Hamish Bowman # Glynn Clements # PURPOSE: import of SRTM hgt files into GRASS # # COPYRIGHT: (C) 2004, 2006 by the GRASS Development Team # # This program is free software under the GNU General Public # License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS # for details. # # Dec 2004: merged with srtm_generate_hdr.sh (M. Neteler) # corrections and refinement (W. Kyngesburye) # Aug 2004: modified to accept files from other directories # (by H. Bowman) # June 2005: added flag to read in US 1-arcsec tiles (H. Bowman) # April 2006: links updated from ftp://e0dps01u.ecs.nasa.gov/srtm/ # to current links below # October 2008: Converted to Python by Glynn Clements ######################### # Derived from: # ftp://e0srp01u.ecs.nasa.gov/srtm/version1/Documentation/Notes_for_ARCInfo_users.txt # (note: document was updated silently end of 2003) # # ftp://e0srp01u.ecs.nasa.gov/srtm/version1/Documentation/SRTM_Topo.txt # "3.0 Data Formats # [...] # To be more exact, these coordinates refer to the geometric center of # the lower left pixel, which in the case of SRTM-1 data will be about # 30 meters in extent." # #- SRTM 90 Tiles are 1 degree by 1 degree #- SRTM filename coordinates are said to be the *center* of the LL pixel. # N51E10 -> lower left cell center # #- BIL uses *center* of the UL (!) pixel: # http://downloads.esri.com/support/whitepapers/other_/eximgav.pdf # #- GDAL uses *corners* of pixels for its coordinates. # # NOTE: Even, if small difference: SRTM is referenced to EGM96, not WGS84 ellps # http://earth-info.nga.mil/GandG/wgs84/gravitymod/egm96/intpt.html # ######################### #%Module #% description: Imports SRTM HGT files into raster map. #% keyword: raster #% keyword: import #%End #%option G_OPT_F_INPUT #% description: Name of SRTM input tile (file without .hgt.zip extension) #%end #%option G_OPT_R_OUTPUT #% description: Name for output raster map (default: input tile) #% required : no #%end #%flag #% key: 1 #% description: Input is a 1-arcsec tile (default: 3-arcsec) #%end tmpl1sec = """BYTEORDER M LAYOUT BIL NROWS 3601 NCOLS 3601 NBANDS 1 NBITS 16 BANDROWBYTES 7202 TOTALROWBYTES 7202 BANDGAPBYTES 0 PIXELTYPE SIGNEDINT NODATA -32768 ULXMAP %s ULYMAP %s XDIM 0.000277777777777778 YDIM 0.000277777777777778 """ tmpl3sec = """BYTEORDER M LAYOUT BIL NROWS 1201 NCOLS 1201 NBANDS 1 NBITS 16 BANDROWBYTES 2402 TOTALROWBYTES 2402 BANDGAPBYTES 0 PIXELTYPE SIGNEDINT NODATA -32768 ULXMAP %s ULYMAP %s XDIM 0.000833333333333 YDIM 0.000833333333333 """ proj = ''.join([ 'GEOGCS[', '"wgs84",', 'DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["wgs84",6378137,298.257223563],TOWGS84[0.000000,0.000000,0.000000]],', 'PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],', 'UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]', ']']) import os import shutil import atexit import grass.script as grass from grass.exceptions import CalledModuleError def cleanup(): if not in_temp: return for ext in ['.bil', '.hdr', '.prj', '.hgt.zip']: grass.try_remove(tile + ext) os.chdir('..') grass.try_rmdir(tmpdir) def main(): global tile, tmpdir, in_temp in_temp = False input = options['input'] output = options['output'] one = flags['1'] # are we in LatLong location? s = grass.read_command("g.proj", flags='j') kv = grass.parse_key_val(s) if kv['+proj'] != 'longlat': grass.fatal(_("This module only operates in LatLong locations")) # use these from now on: infile = input while infile[-4:].lower() in ['.hgt', '.zip']: infile = infile[:-4] (fdir, tile) = os.path.split(infile) if not output: tileout = tile else: tileout = output zipfile = infile + ".hgt.zip" hgtfile = os.path.join(fdir, tile[:7] + ".hgt") if os.path.isfile(zipfile): # check if we have unzip if not grass.find_program('unzip'): grass.fatal(_('The "unzip" program is required, please install it first')) # really a ZIP file? # make it quiet in a safe way (just in case -qq isn't portable) tenv = os.environ.copy() tenv['UNZIP'] = '-qq' if grass.call(['unzip', '-t', zipfile], env=tenv) != 0: grass.fatal(_("'%s' does not appear to be a valid zip file.") % zipfile) is_zip = True elif os.path.isfile(hgtfile): # try and see if it's already unzipped is_zip = False else: grass.fatal(_("File '%s' or '%s' not found") % (zipfile, hgtfile)) # make a temporary directory tmpdir = grass.tempfile() grass.try_remove(tmpdir) os.mkdir(tmpdir) if is_zip: shutil.copyfile(zipfile, os.path.join(tmpdir, tile + ".hgt.zip")) else: shutil.copyfile(hgtfile, os.path.join(tmpdir, tile + ".hgt")) # change to temporary directory os.chdir(tmpdir) in_temp = True zipfile = tile + ".hgt.zip" hgtfile = tile[:7] + ".hgt" bilfile = tile + ".bil" if is_zip: # unzip & rename data file: grass.message(_("Extracting '%s'...") % infile) if grass.call(['unzip', zipfile], env=tenv) != 0: grass.fatal(_("Unable to unzip file.")) grass.message(_("Converting input file to BIL...")) os.rename(hgtfile, bilfile) north = tile[0] ll_latitude = int(tile[1:3]) east = tile[3] ll_longitude = int(tile[4:7]) # are we on the southern hemisphere? If yes, make LATITUDE negative. if north == "S": ll_latitude *= -1 # are we west of Greenwich? If yes, make LONGITUDE negative. if east == "W": ll_longitude *= -1 # Calculate Upper Left from Lower Left ulxmap = "%.1f" % ll_longitude # SRTM90 tile size is 1 deg: ulymap = "%.1f" % (ll_latitude + 1) if not one: tmpl = tmpl3sec else: grass.message(_("Attempting to import 1-arcsec data.")) tmpl = tmpl1sec header = tmpl % (ulxmap, ulymap) hdrfile = tile + '.hdr' outf = file(hdrfile, 'w') outf.write(header) outf.close() # create prj file: To be precise, we would need EGS96! But who really cares... prjfile = tile + '.prj' outf = file(prjfile, 'w') outf.write(proj) outf.close() try: grass.run_command('r.in.gdal', input=bilfile, out=tileout) except: grass.fatal(_("Unable to import data")) # nice color table grass.run_command('r.colors', map=tileout, color='srtm') # write cmd history: grass.raster_history(tileout) grass.message(_("Done: generated map ") + tileout) grass.message(_("(Note: Holes in the data can be closed with 'r.fillnulls' using splines)")) if __name__ == "__main__": options, flags = grass.parser() atexit.register(cleanup) main()