#!/usr/bin/env python ############################################################################ # # MODULE: v.in.e00 # # AUTHOR(S): Markus Neteler, Otto Dassau # Converted to Python by Glynn Clements # # PURPOSE: Import E00 data into a GRASS vector map # Imports single and split E00 files (.e00, .e01, .e02 ...) # # COPYRIGHT: (c) 2004, 2005 GDF Hannover bR, http://www.gdf-hannover.de # # This program is free software under the GNU General Public # License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS # for details. # ############################################################################# # # REQUIREMENTS: # - avcimport: http://avce00.maptools.org #%module #% description: Imports E00 file into a vector map. #% keyword: vector #% keyword: import #% keyword: E00 #%end #%option G_OPT_F_BIN_INPUT #% description: Name of input E00 file #%end #%option G_OPT_V_TYPE #% options: point,line,area #% answer: point #% required: yes #%end #%option G_OPT_V_OUTPUT #%end import os import shutil import glob from grass.script.utils import try_rmdir, try_remove, basename from grass.script import vector as gvect from grass.script import core as gcore from grass.exceptions import CalledModuleError def main(): filename = options['input'] type = options['type'] vect = options['output'] e00tmp = str(os.getpid()) # check for avcimport if not gcore.find_program('avcimport'): gcore.fatal(_("'avcimport' program not found, install it first") + "\n" + "http://avce00.maptools.org") # check for e00conv if not gcore.find_program('e00conv'): gcore.fatal(_("'e00conv' program not found, install it first") + "\n" + "http://avce00.maptools.org") # check that the user didn't use all three, which gets past the parser. if type not in ['point', 'line', 'area']: gcore.fatal(_('Must specify one of "point", "line", or "area".')) e00name = basename(filename, 'e00') # avcimport only accepts 13 chars: e00shortname = e00name[:13] # check if this is a split E00 file (.e01, .e02 ...): merging = False if os.path.exists(e00name + '.e01') or os.path.exists(e00name + '.E01'): gcore.message(_("Found that E00 file is split into pieces (.e01, ...)." " Merging...")) merging = True if vect: name = vect else: name = e00name # do import # make a temporary directory tmpdir = gcore.tempfile() try_remove(tmpdir) os.mkdir(tmpdir) files = glob.glob( e00name + '.e[0-9][0-9]') + glob.glob(e00name + '.E[0-9][0-9]') for f in files: shutil.copy(f, tmpdir) # change to temporary directory to later avoid removal problems (rm -r ...) os.chdir(tmpdir) # check for binay E00 file (we can just check if import fails): # avcimport doesn't set exist status :-( if merging: files.sort() filename = "%s.cat.%s.e00" % (e00name, e00tmp) outf = file(filename, 'wb') for f in files: inf = file(f, 'rb') shutil.copyfileobj(inf, outf) inf.close() outf.close() nuldev = file(os.devnull, 'w+') gcore.message(_("An error may appear next which will be ignored...")) if gcore.call(['avcimport', filename, e00shortname], stdout=nuldev, stderr=nuldev) == 1: gcore.message(_("E00 ASCII found and converted to Arc Coverage in " "current directory")) else: gcore.message( _("E00 Compressed ASCII found. Will uncompress first...")) try_remove(e00shortname) gcore.call(['e00conv', filename, e00tmp + '.e00']) gcore.message(_("...converted to Arc Coverage in current directory")) gcore.call(['avcimport', e00tmp + '.e00', e00shortname], stderr=nuldev) # SQL name fix: name = name.replace('-', '_') # let's import... gcore.message(_("Importing %ss...") % type) layer = dict(point='LAB', line='ARC', area=['LAB', 'ARC']) itype = dict(point='point', line='line', area='centroid') try: gcore.run_command('v.in.ogr', flags='o', input=e00shortname, layer=layer[type], type=itype[type], output=name) except CalledModuleError: gcore.fatal(_("An error occurred while running v.in.ogr")) gcore.message(_("Imported <%s> vector map <%s>.") % (type, name)) # clean up the mess for root, dirs, files in os.walk('.', False): for f in files: path = os.path.join(root, f) try_remove(path) for d in dirs: path = os.path.join(root, d) try_rmdir(path) os.chdir('..') os.rmdir(tmpdir) # end gcore.message(_("Done.")) # write cmd history: gvect.vector_history(name) if __name__ == "__main__": options, flags = gcore.parser() main()