Thermal infrared imagery acquisition by NIROPS currently utilizes the Phoenix sensor system. Several Phoenix systems are maintained by the Forest Service at the National Interagency Incident Communications Division (NIICD) Infrared Branch. A detailed description of the technical specifications and capabilities of the Phoenix sensor is provided here. Additional airborne sensors of interest to the NIROPS program are currently being evaluated and include the Autonomous Modular Sensor (AMS). The content below provides samples of Phoenix imagery for selected wildfires as well as other informational content on the NIROPS program.

Phoenix Imagery - King Fire Mosaic - 18 September 2014 @ 0118 MDT
High Resolution

Color Phoenix Imagery King Fire Run #5 18 September 2014 @ 0118 MDT. Yellow regions indicate a high signal in the 3-5 micrometer channel. Green regions indicate high signal on the 8-12 micrometer channel where lighter greens indicate warmer areas
High Resolution

Grayscale Phoenix Imagery King Fire Run #5 18 September 2014 @ 0118 MDT. Phoenix imagery is acquired as Black = Hot. Pixels tagged as red indicate those areas that exceed the fire detection algorithm threshhold.
High Resolution

Color Phoenix Imagery Mangum Fire Run #1 and #2 - 16 June 2020 @ 0045 MST
[ PNG, 3.08 MB ]

Grayscale Phoenix Imagery Mangum Fire Run #1 and #2 - 16 June 2020 @ 0045 MST
[ PNG, 2.23 MB ]